How to Prep When You’re Broke

by Daisy Luther

174 pages

Prepping costs money. Everyone knows that, even the most staunch I’ll-Never-Be-A-Doomsday-Prepper-Why-Don’t-You-Live-A-Little co-worker you might have.

So, in this economy, under these conditions, how are you supposed to get prepared for the Next Big Catastrophe? Is it even possible?

Absolutely, it is.

And I know this for a fact from personal experience.

Being broke is nothing new for me. In fact, it was being broke that started me down the preparedness path almost thirty years ago. I did this while flat broke for a long, long time, and it changed my life. Not only was I ready for emergencies, but I also found that my financial situation improved. Being prepared makes sense and affects your life positively in so many different ways.

The number one factor people mention when asking questions on my website is money. They’re wondering how they can afford to do all these things that sound so extravagant when they’re just getting by. They want to know if it’s even possible to prep in the world we’re living in today.

They want to know if they can do it, even though they’re broke.

You can.

And in this book, I’m going to show you how.

What’s in the book?

This book is a thorough overview of how to get past the mindset of, “I can’t afford it.” Here are the chapters:

  • Budgeting When You’re Broke
  • The First Prep: Your Emergency Fund
  • What Emergencies Are Most Likely for YOU?
  • Preparedness Begins in Your Head
  • A List of Lists
  • The Preps You Already Have
  • Spend More Time Doing and Less Time Buying
  • Prepping When You Don’t Have a Dime to Spare
  • Water, Water, Everywhere
  • You Need Extra Food, Dude
  • All Around the House
  • Prepping for Your Health
  • Prepping for Emergencies and Disasters
  • Off-Grid Climate Control
  • Battling Doom Fatigue and Burnout

It’s jam-packed with all my best low-budget advice and information!

Who’s this book for?

This book is for anyone who wants to prep but is struggling with putting the money together to do it. It’s all about getting the most bang for your buck and learning HOW to survive, not just BUYING your way to survival. It does break things down to the simplest parts for those who are new to prepping, but anybody who wants to spend more time doing and less time buying will benefit from How to Prep When You’re Broke.

If you really want to be prepared for the next pandemic, the next natural disaster, or even the next unexpected expense, but you aren’t sure if you can afford it, this book is for you. Written with love, encouragement, and a lot of personal experience, I put my heart into it, and I hope it makes the whole thing seem more approachable for you.

Suggested price: $12.00

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