
In Case of Emergency: Home Alone

Original price was: $15.00.Current price is: $1.00.

We can’t be there with our kids 100% of the time. What with work, appointments, and other responsibilities, sometimes our children are home alone.

And sometimes, emergencies strike.

Set their minds at ease, and yours too, with this printable In Case of Emergency bundle just for kids who are on their own. With simple instructions and places for you to write down information for them, they’ll have a guideline which will help them to know what to do.

Here’s what you’ll get:

  • What to Do When You’re Home Alone (general rules for safety)
  • What to Do If There’s a Fire
  • What to Do If Someone Gets Hurt
  • What to Do When the Power Goes Out
  • Babysitter Emergency Information

The bundle contains two printable PDF copies of each document: a black and white copy for binders and an eye-catching, colorful copy you can hang on your fridge.

Use these printables as a starting point to teach your children how to be safe if an emergency strikes when they’re on their own. Anyone can panic in a stressful situation, and having some guidelines written down can help.

Grab your bundle today, whether it’s for your own children or for the children of someone you love.

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